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  2. Permission Management & Domain Groups

What is the difference between Sending, Sending Inactive and Parked domains?

The number of sending domains you can have depends on the EasyDMARC product plan you purchase. For instance, the Plus plan allows for 2 Sending Domains to be active at a time. However, you can have unlimited parked domains on your account.

Sending domains make use of all benefits our platform offers, such as aggregated reports, failure reports, EasySPF etc. On the other hand, parked domains only have access to our tools and we will only collect and show threat/unknown email traffic in the aggregated reports section.

By default, parked domains should not be sending any emails and the DMARC policy should be set to p=reject.

You can also change the domain status from parked to sending and vice versa whenever you wish, as long as you have a free slot in your plan for sending domains.