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  2. Getting started with EasySPF

Setting up SPF directly from your DNS Host

1. Access Your DNS Control Panel:
  • Log in to your DNS hosting provider's control panel using your credentials.
  • Locate the DNS management section or DNS settings.

2. Create a TXT Record:
  • Within your DNS control panel, look for an option to add or edit DNS records.
  • Select "TXT Record" from the available record types.

3. Define the Host/Name:
  • In the "Host" or "Name" field, enter "@" (without the quotes) or leave it empty. This specifies that the TXT record is on the root domain level.

4. Set the Value/Text:
  • In the "Value" or "Text" field, you will define your SPF record. Copy the value obtained from your EasySPF portal and paste it into the Value/Text section

Note: The EasySPF value should be the only include tag found in your record, everything else should be added in the EasySPF's portal.


5. Save the Record:

  • After defining your SPF Record, save the TXT record.

DNS changes may take some time to propagate across the internet. Be patient and allow some time for the SPF record to propagate.