In your OneLogin Admin portal, click on Applications -> Add App -> SAML Test Custom Connector (Advanced) and click on Save (Optional: Change the App Display Name to EasyDMARC)
Click on Configuration from the left side, then select More Actions from the top right and download the Metadata XML
Once the XML is download head back to your EasyDMARC SSO Setup page and upload the file and Validate and Save:
Copy both the Entity ID and Assertion URL (Fully) and paste them into Onelogin like the screenshot below:
Important Notes
- Audience (EntityID) must be
- ACS URL Validator must be .*
Lastly, go to the Parameters tab, and add new Fields with:
IMPORTANT NOTE: “Field Name” values are case-sensitive, and should be applied with the exact format listed below:
Field Name: firstName
Check the Include in SAML assertion
Click Save
Input Value: First Name
Do the same process by adding other Fields with:
Field Name: lastName
Check the Include in SAML assertion
Input Value: Last Name
Field Name: email
Check the Include in SAML assertion
Input Value: Email
Your final result should look like this:
… and that’s it. You can now start logging in to your EasyDMARC portal by using your OneLogin’s SAML 2.0 Endpoint (HTTP)