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Managed DMARC

EasyDMARC's Managed DMARC solution significantly streamline the implementation and management of DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) policies.

Here’s how Managed DMARC transforms the approach and benefits organizations:

Simplified Implementation

  • CNAME Record Utilization: Unlike the traditional method of using TXT records for DMARC implementation, Managed DMARC services leverage CNAME records. This approach simplifies the DNS configuration process. By pointing a CNAME record to EasyDMARC's managed service, organizations can offload the complexity of configuring and maintaining DMARC records.

    Note: To enable Managed DMARC, simply click on the "Activate" button. Once activated, we will provide you with the necessary CNAME Record that you need to add to your DNS. This step only needs to be done once.

  • Automated Policy Management: With Managed DMARC, initial policy settings (such as p=none, p=quarantine, or p=reject) are easily adjustable within the EasyDMARC portal. This flexibility allows organizations to adapt their email authentication strategy without the need to manually edit DNS records.

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Enhanced Reporting and Compliance

  • Automated Reporting Address: EasyDMARC automatically assigns a reporting address, ensuring that organizations receive DMARC aggregate and failure reports. These reports are crucial for monitoring and improving email authentication practices.
  • Optional Reporting Addresses: Organizations have the option to add additional reporting addresses with just a click. This feature is particularly useful for companies that wish to share DMARC reports with third-party security providers or internal departments for further analysis.


  • Enforcement Stage: Customers can set the enforcement level of the policy as a percentage. The default setting is 100%, unless a different value is explicitly chosen.
  • Sub-Domain Policy: Users have the option to apply a specific policy to subdomains that may differ from the root domain's policy. The default setting is "same as parent" unless otherwise specified.
  • Alignment Mode:
    • The default alignment mode is Relaxed for both DKIM and SPF.
    • Strict Alignment Option: Users can opt for Strict DKIM and Strict SPF, requiring an exact match between the DKIM and SPF domains with the "From:" domain.
    • Relaxed Alignment: In Relaxed alignment, exact matches are not necessary; domains can be a subdomain of the "From:" domain. This is the recommended setting.
  • Reporting Interval: Users can select a preferred reporting interval. Despite the ability to choose, reports are generated and sent every 24 hours, in line with the DMARC tag's functionality.
  • Failure Reporting Options: Advanced options for specifying failure reporting preferences further tailor the DMARC implementation to an organization’s specific needs. This can help in quicker identification and resolution of issues affecting email delivery and authenticity.

Add or Update your DMARC Record with Managed DMARC

Benefits for Multiple Domain Management

Managed DMARC is especially beneficial for Managed Service Providers (MSPs) or organizations that oversee multiple domains. It provides a centralized platform to manage DMARC records, eliminating the need for direct access to DNS settings for each domain. This centralization not only reduces the risk of syntax errors but also offers a streamlined overview of email security posture across all managed domains.