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  2. Getting started with EasyDMARC

If I turned this on for them right now – how much useful/relevant traffic would get blocked? 80% 95%? - I just want to know what the levels of disruption are when it is turned on.

If we were to implement DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) right now, the impact on useful and relevant email traffic would depend on several factors. DMARC helps prevent email spoofing and phishing by providing a way for email receivers to authenticate the sender's identity.

Enabling DMARC at the highest enforcement level without proper preparation, analysis, and adjustment might result in disruption, including the blocking of legitimate emails. Therefore, it's generally not recommended to start with the highest enforcement level right away. To avoid sudden disruption, a recommended approach is to initiate DMARC in monitoring mode. This initial step allows us to collect valuable data on email traffic, identify legitimate sources, and assess potential issues.

By starting with monitoring, we can implement a phased approach, gradually progressing to enforcement levels such as quarantine before reaching rejection. This strategy facilitates a more controlled implementation, minimizing the risk of disrupting essential communication. The gradual ratcheting up of the enforcement level helps strike a balance between enhancing email security and preventing the unintentional blocking of important messages. This careful and measured approach ensures that the implementation of DMARC aligns with both security objectives and the need for uninterrupted communication.

By implementing DMARC carefully and incrementally, you can achieve a higher level of protection against phishing and unauthorized emails while avoiding unnecessary disruption to legitimate communication.