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DMARC Failure Reports

DMARC Failure (Forensic) reports, like DMARC Aggregate reports, are another type of reporting that DMARC provides. EasyDMARC utilizes a specific address (added in the ruf= tag), enabling us to receive and parse DMARC Failure reports on your dashboard.

Key Points to Consider:

  • DMARC Failure reports contain more detailed information than DMARC Aggregate reports. These reports provide insights into the 'From:' address, the subject line, the exact date, and the email header of the email in question.
  • A significant number of ISPs do not support DMARC Failure reports, most notably Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft. As DMARC Failure reports can contain Personally Identifiable Information (PII), the majority of ISPs opt not to send these types of reports, though they do send DMARC Aggregate reports.
  • Receiving a DMARC Failure report does not necessarily indicate that the emails are failing DMARC checks. It's important to note, especially since major ISPs do not support this feature, that DMARC Failure reports can be triggered if either SPF or DKIM checks fail. However, DMARC requires either SPF or DKIM to pass. Therefore, receiving DMARC Failure reports does not conclusively mean that those emails have failed DMARC.

EasyDMARC DMARC Failure Features:

  • Senders (Sending Sources): This feature allows you to analyze the email sources used by your domain for sending emails that generated DMARC Failure reports. It helps in identifying the origins of potentially problematic emails

  • Receivers (Reporting Destinations): With this data, you can analyze the destinations of your emails that generated DMARC Failure reports. This insight is crucial in understanding which receivers are flagging your emails

  • Export Functionality: Our export feature enables you to download your DMARC failure data in either CSV or PDF format. This function is particularly useful for presenting the information to colleagues, managers, or other stakeholders

  • Filtering: We offer comprehensive filtering options to help you track specific issues and generate detailed reports based on your chosen criteria. This functionality enhances your ability to pinpoint and address email delivery issues


  • Timeframe Selection: Specify any timeframe, and you will receive reports corresponding to that period. This feature is invaluable for identifying and analyzing specific cases within a designated time range

Do You Really Need DMARC Failure Reports?

In short, not necessarily. As mentioned earlier, the majority of ISPs already support DMARC Aggregate reporting, which typically suffices for gaining an overall understanding of your outgoing email ecosystem. It helps in tracking your Email Service Providers (ESPs) by IP addresses and in addressing any issues with SPF and/or DKIM.

While DMARC Failure reports can be useful for detecting specific users using a certain ESP (by tracking the 'From:' address), their limited support by ISPs means you may not receive sufficient data.