ConnectWise API Integration - Setup guide

Create an API Member and API Key in ConnectWise  

In order to connect EasyDMARC with ConnectWise Manage you require the Public and Private API Keys. You can configure your keys in ConnectWise Internet Client  (in ConnectWise Manage console). To complete the integration configuration follow the below steps.

Create a Custom Security Role 

EasyDMARC advises to create a security role that meets the exact requirements for the integration to work. Changes to the below Role permissions may result in the situation where API keys are not accepted.

  1. Go to System > Security Roles
  2. Click the plus (+) New Item button in the Security Roles section
  3. Enter a name for the Role ID
  4. Click Save
  5. Configure the roles settings in the Security Modules For Role - <New Role Name>

Make sure the Role permissions are as follows:

Companies → Company Maintenance: 

  • Inquire Level → All

Procurement → Product Catalog: : 

  • Inquire Level → All
  • Add Level → All

Service Desk → Service Tickets:

  • Inquire Level → All
  • Edit Level → All
  • Add Level → All

Finance → Agreements: 

  • Inquire Level → All
  • Edit Level → All
  • Add Level → All
  • Delete Level → All

Finance → Invoicing:

  • Inquire Level → All
Table Setup
  • Inquire Level --> All
Note: If you are using an on-premise ConnectWise PSA™ you may need to add IP address as whitelisted to allow for the connection.

Click Save and Close to apply

Create the API Member

  1. Go to System > Members
  2. Choose the API Members tab
  3. Click the plus (+) New Item button in the API Members tab
  4. Complete the information in the New Member form
  5. Choose your custom security role created above for the Role ID
  6. Click Save and Close to apply

Generate API Keys

  1. Open the newly created API Member
  2. Go to API Keys
  3. Click the plus (+) New Item button in the API Keys tab
  4. Enter a Description for the API Key
  5. Click Save
  6. This displays the Public Key and Private Key. Store these in a secure location, they are to be used for the EasyDMARC integration. 

Use API Keys in EasyDMARC Integration setup

  1. Click on your avatar in the right top corner and navigate to the Integrations page under Organization settings
  2. On the Integrations page choose ConnectWise and Connect
  3. In the first step fill in the following details in order to establish connection between EasyDMARC and ConnectWise platforms:
    1. ConnectWise URL for your ConnectWise Manage.
    2. Your Company ID
    3. Public and Private API Keys generated in the previous step.

Billing and Product setup

The next step is to map the EasyDMARC product that is selected from Product Catalog and choose the type of billing for all your Customers. Please note that you have to first add EasyDMARC to your product catalog in your ConnectWise Manage and only then it will be available in the dropdown.

1. Select the EasyDMARC product from the first dropdown.

2. Select the default agreement that will be used for all your Customers. You will be able to alter the selection for every Customer separately in the next step.

3. Choose the way you want to bill your customers for EasyDMARC Sending Domains. You can select from a few options:

  • Billable - this option will add EasyDMARC to the invoice for your Customer and you can select to have every Sending domain a separate line or bundled under one line.
  • Not Billable - integration will send the Sending domains count and names for tracking the costs but EasyDMARC will not be included on the Customer’s invoice.

4. Once you make your selection, click Next to start Customer Mapping.

Customer Mapping

Integration allows you to map your Companies from ConnectWise Manage with EasyDMARC’s Domain Groups. This mapping enables the proper reporting for the billing purposes but also forwarding EasyDMARC alerts as tickets and placing them under selected Service Board. Ticketing configuration will be in the next step.

1. When you go to the Customer mapping step, you will see the first column where you can select the EasyDMARC Domain Group which represents your Customer in the EasyDMARC dashboard.

2. You can choose which Company from ConnectWise Manage you want to map with the particular Domain Group.

3. For every mapping you can select a specific Agreement for the Company if the default one does not apply.

4. After completing the Customer mapping, click Next and you will be taken to the Ticketing configuration page.

Ticket and alerts configuration.

Integration between EasyDMARC and ConnectWise Manage lets you configure which alerts from EasyDMARC should be forwarded to ConnectWise Manage as Tickets and under which Service Board place them. 

It is important to note that the first step is to configure all needed alerts in the EasyDMARC dashboard and only then when the alert is triggered by an event e.g. DMARC Record Changed, it will be forwarded to the ConnectWise Manage as a ticket.

1. You can select a few default settings while completing the configuration of tickets and alert mapping, such as:
    1. Service Board
    2. Ticket status
    3. Ticket priority
    4. Ticket type

2. In the first step select the Domain Group for which you want to map the alerts.

3. Once Domain Group is selected you will see the list of all alerts that are configured for this Domain Group:

You can select the ones you want to or all of them. When you complete your selection, close the configuration or add another alert group mapping. 

  1. When an alert is triggered for an event e.g. DMARC Record changed, you will receive a ticket in ConnectWise Manage under the specified default Service Board with a description of the alert matching the one that you also receive in an email from the EasyDMARC platform. 
  2. The alert statuses (Open, resolved etc.) on the ConnectWise and EasyDMARC platforms are independent from each other.