Azure SSO Setup

After logging into your Azure portal, go to Home>Enterprise applications and create a New application


Click on Create your own application, enter the Name, and select Integrate any other application you don’t find in the gallery (Non-gallery), and click on Create



Click on Setup single sign-on -> SAML


Download the Metadata XML or copy the App Federation Metadata URL

From your EasyDMARC Security portalset up your domain and confirm its ownership

Make sure to add the provided TXT record to your DNS zone. Once added, click on the Verify button.


Note: DNS propagation may take up to several hours.


Now enter the information that you’ve obtained from Microsoft Azure (either downloading the XML or copying the URL)


Make sure then to Validate and Save

After clicking Save, you will be prompted with both Entity ID and Assertion Consumer Service URLs

Back in your Azure portal, search for Basic SAML Configuration, and click on Edit

Enter the information that you’ve obtained within your EasyDMARC portal (Entity ID & Assertion Consumer Service UR) on Azure’s Basic SAML Configuration and click on Save


IMPORTANT NOTE: For Identifier (Entity ID), make sure to just set it as


Go to Users and Groups, and Add user/group - Make sure to add any users who should have SSO access to EasyDMARC, including the administrator user with which you are currently logged into Azure AD


And it’s done!

Now, you can head back to, enter your email address, and click on “Sign in”. The system will automatically redirect you to your Microsoft page so you can link your account with Azure IDP. After linking, you can start signing into EasyDMARC directly from your IDP (Azure).