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  2. EasyDMARC Features Guideline

Aggregate Reports GeoMaps

As part of DMARC Reports, this tool extracts geolocations of the server IPs used to send emails from the organizational domain. This information is then integrated with DMARC aggregate reports. In the aggregate reports, you can view the outgoing IPs used for sending emails, and this tool specifically provides geolocation data with a map, allowing you to visualize and track key aspects of the outgoing email ecosystem.


In addition, we present data on:

  • Top Compliant Locations: This displays all IP addresses used to send emails from your organization that are deemed compliant. These are legitimate sources with IP address geolocations.
  • Top Non-Compliant Locations: This showcases IP addresses used to send emails from your organization that are non-compliant. These may include legitimate sources requiring SPF and/or DKIM authentication or instances of fraudulent server usage from otherwise "good" servers. You can obtain more detailed information from your aggregate reports.
  • Top Threat/Unknown Locations: This reveals fraudulent IP addresses used for sending spoofing emails from your organization.


This feature serves as a valuable tool to comprehend the geolocations of your outgoing email server IPs, enabling proactive measures to identify issues, implement fixes, and enforce policies.